SEC is trusted by the most demanding manufacturers of defense products. We support our troops and the efforts to defend American interests on the planet and beyond. Our designs have been used to ignite, produce gas pressure, cut wire or Kevlar, linear motion, curvilinear motion, retraction, or simply indicate that another event has taken place.
Bridgewire Welding
Bridgewire welding is a highly specialized process, performed under a microscope, resulting in an ultra fine wire spanning the dielectric gap between two metal parts. When an electrical current passes through the wire, which may be as small as 0.00013 inches in diameter, the wire heats up initiates a chemical reaction in the energetic material surrounding the wire. The subsequent reaction can then be used to ignite more energetic material, creating gas, heat, motion or a combination of the three. The temperature at which the wire glows and the current required to achieve the specified temperature can be manipulated to match the energetic material surrounding the wire allowing a wide variety of sensitivities and eliminate false ignition sources.
Stored Energy Concepts, Inc has over thirty years of experience in the field of bridgewire welding and energetic devices. We have the expertise and knowledge to produce exact and reliable bridgewire welding to suit your application. Our track record for quality and reliability is exceptional.